Saturday, July 6, 2024

Tom Sito's Animation Almanac for July 6, 2024

Birthdays: John Paul Jones, Czar Nicholas Ist, Frida Kahlo, Della Reese, Bill Haley,

Nancy Reagan, Sylvester Stallone is 78, Merv Griffin, Janet Leigh, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Sebastian Cabot, James Bodrero, The Dalai Lama, LaVerne Andrews of the Andrews Sisters, Geoffrey Rush is 73, Ned Beatty, President George W. Bush is 78, Fifty Cent is 49, Jennifer Saunders is 66.


Happy St. Fermin's Day, the Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain. 


1885- Louis Pasteur gave the first inoculation to cure rabies.


1886 - Horlick's of Wisconsin offers the first malted milk to public. It began as an attempt to create a new type of baby formula.


1895- A businessman named William Sydney Porter returned from Honduras where he had fled after being indicted for embezzlement. He had returned because he had learned of the illness of his wife.  Porter was sent to prison, and while there began writing little stories which he later published under the name O. Henry. 



1925, Walt and Roy Disney place a $400 deposit ($5,750.00 in modern money) on a lot located at 2719 Hyperion Avenue, in the Silverlake neighborhood of Los Angeles. Their aim is to build a big new studio. 


1928- The film "The Lights of New York" premiered at the Strand theater on Broadway. 1927's the Jazz Singerpopularized sound movies while still being half silent. This film was the first with an all dialogue track. 


1944- A fire broke out in the main tent of Ringling Bros Circus during a children’s matinee in Hartford Connecticut. The big top had been waterproofed with a paraffin solution thinned with gasoline and now that mixture engulfed the tent in flames. 168 died and 682 more were injured, mostly children. In 1950 an arsonist named Robert Segee admitted he started the Hartford Circus Fire. 


1957- Chuck Jones short "What’s Opera, Doc?" debuted. “Kill da wa-bitt, kill da wa-bitt..."


1957- 16 year old John Lennon first met 15 year old Paul McCartney at a church picnic near Woolton, England. Lennon invited McCartney to join his first band called the Quarrymen, but McCartney missed their first engagement because of a boy scout trip.


1964 - Beatles' film "Hard Day's Night" premieres in London. The bands iconoclastic, antics portrayed by Richard Lester’s surreal free style direction set the style for the music videos of the future.


1965- TV sitcom F-Troop premiered. Shortly after the series began production it was learned that lead actress Melody Patterson (Wrangler Jane) fibbed on her paperwork and was actually underage, she was barely 16 years old. She kept the part, but the writers had to tone down any sexual innuendo in the scripts. The show did well but is rarely show today because of the racially insensitive humor towards native people. 


1965 - Rock group Jefferson Airplane formed.


 1974- The first broadcast of A Prairie Home Companion, Garrison Keilor’s ode to small town life in Minnesota. Brought to you by Powdermilk Biscuits. His last broadcast was in 2016, and was forced to leave his company in 2017 due to Me-To allegations of sexual misconduct with his employees.

1996- Robert Zemeckis’ Forrest Gump opened in theaters.

1998- French workers at Disneyland Paris theme park went on strike for better pay and not having to smile constantly like Americans do. 

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