Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Tom Sito's Animation ALmanac for July 2, 2024

Birthdays: Roman Emperor Valentinian III (419AD), Bishop Thomas Cranmer (1429) , Christoph Witobald Gluck, Herman Hesse, Medgar Evers, Patrice Lamumba, Thurgood Marshall, Andrez Kertesz, Richard Petty, Abe Levitow, Ahmad Jamal, Cheryl Ladd, Jose Canseco, Jerry Hall, Imelda Marcos, Ron Silver, Lindsay Lohan, Brock Peters, Margot Robbie is 34, Larry David is 77

1650- The first daily newspaper is published in the city of Leipzig. 

1723- Johann Sebastian Bach’s chorale Magnificat first performed in Leipzig.

1789- Two weeks before the French Revolutionaries stormed the Bastille, the Marquis DeSade was transferred to another jail. This after he grabbed one old inmates ear trumpet and recited out the window some sex jokes about the warden to the laughing crowd below. 

1921- To prove what a neat new invention radio was, RCA chief David Sarnoff broadcast for free a live feed of the Jack Dempsey vs. George Carpentier championship prizefight. He had loud speakers set up in Times Square that attracted ten thousand listeners. As it happened, the live reports were a sham. An eyewitness to the fight relayed details via tickertape to a Manhattan studio. Then an announcer read them aloud over the radio as though he were there. No matter, the effect was electric. Suddenly everyone wanted a radio in their home. 

1927- The film Flesh and the Devil established a new star named Greta Garbo.

1934- Twentieth Century Fox signed a movie contract with child star Shirley Temple.

1945- In the July issue of The Atlantic Magazine, MIT Scientist Vanaevar Bush predicted some day in the future we would all be writing to each other on little electronic boxes on our desks. He didn’t have the name computer yet. He called it a “memex”. We would read stories, watch movies, have access to all the libraries of the world. We would send each other letters and pictures on it. In a Manila hospital, a young serviceman named Douglas Engelbart was recovering from war wounds. He read this article there and was inspired to study this new field. He eventually invented the computer mouse, hot keys, and coined the term "on-line."

1946-The Peace Treaty of Beverly Hills- SAG president Ronald Reagan brokered a labor settlement between the two rival Hollywood Unions, IATSE vs. CSU, temporarily ending a violent Hollywood strike. At this time Reagan went to work every day with a 32 cal. Smith & Wesson under his coat.

1955- The Lawrence Welk T.V. Show debuts. Wannaful, wannaful! 

1961- On the porch of his home in Ketchum Idaho, Nobel Prize winning writer Ernest Hemingway held a shotgun into his mouth, and with his big toe pushed the trigger. 

1973-Art Babbitt began his animation lectures to Richard Williams London Studio. Dick took copious notes, and they became one of the most copied, underground how-to books in film history.

1980- the Abrahams-Zucker Bros comedy Airplane! Premiered. 

1982- Don Bluth’s The Secret of Nimh premiered.

1986- Walt Disney’s The Great Mouse Detective released in theaters. 

1986- John Carpenter’s Big Trouble in Little China debuted.

1992- LAWNCHAIR LARRY- San Pedro California resident Larry Walters strapped 45 helium weather balloons to his lawnchair and took along a sixpack of beer, a sandwich and a pellet gun. In his lawnchair he reached 16,000 feet. WW2 B-17s flew at 10,000 feet.  He shot up so fast a commercial airplane reported him as a UFO. Trying to shoot some of the balloons, he lost consciousness and dropped his pellet gun. After two hours the balloons lost altitude and he got entangled in some power lines. He was fined by the FAA for violating LAX commercial airport airspace.

1994- During the World Cup Columbian soccer star Andres Escobar accidentally scored a goal for the opposing team causing Columbia’s elimination.  They take their soccer pretty seriously in Columbia. This day Escobar was shot 12 times by an enraged fan

1998- In Paris, Mexican World Cup soccer fan Rodrigo Rafael Ortega was arrested for drunkenly urinating on the eternal flame at the Arch de Triomphe in honor of France’s Great War dead. The eternal flame had burned continuously since 1921. Even the Nazis left it alone during their occupation. Ortega was the only one to ever put it out. Once again international football proves its ability to bring peoples together.

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