Saturday, July 20, 2024

Tom Sito's Animation Almanac for July 20, 2024

Birthdays: Petrarch, Sir Edmund Hilary, Lord Elgin, Quaker Anne Hutchinson, Natalie Wood, Theda Bara, Diana Rigg, Dick Lucas, Carlos Santana, Lord Reith- the first Director General of the BBC. Gus Arriola, Carlos Alarzaqui, Giselle Bunchen is 44, Sandra Oh is 53, Harrison Ellenshaw is 79 



1804- Sir Richard Owen born. He was the British scientist who coined the term Dinosaur for all the big fossils being dug up. Yet he came to oppose Darwin’s theories of evolution. He believed dinosaurs were the creatures from Noah’s Flood who for some reason missed the boat.


1858 – Admission first charged to see a baseball game, 50 cents. NY beat Brooklyn 22-18.


1868 - 1st use of tax stamps on cigarettes.


1869- Mark Twain’s The Innocents Abroad and in the Holy Land first published. If you ever wondered what was the most popular book in America during the 19th Century, it was not Moby Dick, War & Peace, Jane Eyre or David Copperfield. The all time best selling book in America during the Victorian Era was a sappy travel diary" Tent Life in the Holy Land "by a forgotten author William Prime. Twain had taken The Grand Tour abroad that was fashionable with the American wealthy classes and thought he’d have some fun recounting his own trip” To cross the Sea of Galilee by boat, a big local demanded eight dollars for use of his miserable conveyance. No wonder Christ preferred to walk.”



1946-Bob Clampett's cartoon"the Great Piggy Bank Robbery" with Daffy Duck as Duck Tracy. "I'm gonna rrrrrrrrrrrubbb ya out, see!"



1964 –The first surfing record to go #1-Jan & Dean's "Surf City"


1968 - Iron Butterfly's "In a-Gadda-da-Vida", reached #4 in the pop charts. Then it was called Psychedelic Rock, today it is considered the first Metal hit. The song was written as “In the Garden of Eden” but singer Doug Ingle was so drunk and stoned, In a Gadda Da Vida was all he could mumble out. 


1969- Tranquility Base- The Eagle has Landed. Apollo11’s Lunar Module the LEM first landed humans on the Moon. Eight hours later Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin stepped out onto the surface of the Moon, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for Mankind.”  


1973- Bruce Lee died of cerebral edema one month before his last film Enter the Dragon premiered. The handsome Hong Kong movie star single-handedly made Chinese martial arts a worldwide craze, and the Kung Fu genre film a standard genre in world movie theaters. He was buried in his Enter The Dragon costume. Bruce Lee was 33.



1976-Warner\Lambert, makers of Trident sugarless gum, comes out with their famous slogan "Sugarless gum is recommended by four out of five dentists who chew gum". When people asked what gum the fifth dentist recommended, they were brushed. 


1976- The Viking I probe successfully landed on Mars.


1984 - Jim Fixx, creator of the Jogging craze through his hit book Running, died at 52 of a heart attack. Apologists for a health advocate dying so young, say Fixx would have died even younger without his physical routine. The creator of PowerBars also died in his fifties. 



2001- Hayao Miyazaki’s Spirited Away premiered in Japan. The first Japanese anime to win an Oscar.




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