Sunday, July 28, 2024

Tom Sito's Animation Almanac for July 28, 2024

Birthdays: Beatrix Potter, Jacqueline Kennedy, Richard Rogers, Ibn al’ Arabi- philosopher 1165, Marcel Duchamp, Rudy Vallee. Sally Struthers, Peter Duchin, Vida Blue, Joe E. Brown, Jim Davis the creator of Garfield, Frankie Yankovic the Polka King, Elizabeth Berkley, Earl Tupper the inventor of Tupperware, Hugo Chavez



1858- The French photographer Nadar went up in a balloon and took the first aerial photograph.



1867- The Daughters of St. Crispin, the first women's labor organization.


1896- Happy Birthday Miami! The City of Miami incorporated.


1882- Parsifal, the last opera of Richard Wagner was produced at Bayreuth. As a way to ensure its financial solvency Wagner left instructions to never tour Parsifal but it should forever stay at Bayreuth. This lasted a few decades. 


1932- The movie White Zombie with Bela Lugosi opened. 



1933- The first singing telegram. It was delivered to singer Rudy Valee by Western Union operator appropriately named Lucille Lipps.



1948- In honor of the death of D.W. Griffith, all Hollywood studios observed three minutes of silence.


1948- The Premiere of " Abbott & Costello Meet Frankenstein" For you hardcore film trivia fans this film is the only other time than the original Tod Browning movie that Bela Lugosi played Count Dracula on film. 


1954- The film On The Waterfront opened. Producer Sam Spiegel originally wanted Frank Sinatra and Grace Kelly as the leads. But Kelly took Hitchcock’s Rear Window instead, and Marlon Brando and Eva Marie-Saint became available, much to the annoyance of Sinatra.


1958- HAPPY LEGO! Danish toymaker Gotfried Kirk Christiansen patented the interlocking plastic bricks. His company had been working on the idea in wood since the 1930s. The LEGO empire began. Lego is from the Danish phrase leg godt, meaning "play well."



1971- Photographer Diane Arbus probed increasingly darker subject matter, circus freaks, severe birth defects. This day she committed suicide by swallowing a bottle of sleeping pills, then slitting her wrists.


1978- National Lampoons Animal House directed by John Landis opened. 


1987- Disney's Oilspot and Lipstick premiered at Siggraph Anaheim. Directed by Michael Cedeno. It was an early experimental all CGI film.


2061- The next predicted appearance of Halley’s Comet.

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