Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Tom Sito's Animation Almanac for Aug. 6, 2024

 Quiz: What does it mean to let something percolate?

Yesterday’s Quiz answered below: Name an animated cartoon character that was not created first for a newspaper strip?


History for 8/6/2024

Birthdays: Alfred Lord Tennyson, Daniel O'Connell "the Liberator", Dutch Schultz (real name Arthur Fleigenheimer), Louella Parsons, Lucille Ball, Robert Mitchum, Andy Warhol, Hoot Gibson, William B. Williams, Michelle Yeoh is 62, M. Night Shyamalan, Melissa George, Soliel Moon-Frye 

1890- Cy Young pitches and wins his first game.

1926- Gertrude Ederle swam the English Channel.

1926- Warner Brothers Studio premiered its motion picture sound on disk system. The film was Don Juan with John Barrymore the Great Profile.  It didn’t really have much impact until they made the "Jazz Singer" with Al Jolson a year later.

1930- Judge Crater disappeared. The New York Supreme Court Justice Joseph Force Crater had given no indication of any trouble, but he had accrued huge gambling debts and was known to be connected with crooked politicians. The judge had dinner with some friends at the Stork Club and told them he would join them later at the theater. He got into a taxi at 43rd street and vanished forever. It was the media sensation of the year. One paper called him “ the missingest man in New York.”

1932- Top Broadway singer Libby Hollman "Statue of Libby" had popularized torch songs and strapless gowns. She had married shy tobacco millionaire Zachary Smith Reynolds of R.J. Reynolds and moved into his North Carolina estate. But life on the farm was boring, so Libby brought her Broadway friends down to party. After one party, she was missing for several hours and came home with grass stains on her knees and a wry smile. The couple quarreled and Smith Reynolds died of a gunshot wound to the head. Libby and a friend were indicted for murder, but the R. J. Reynolds Family had the charges dropped to avoid a prolonged scandal. It was ruled a suicide or accident. No one was ever charged.

1934-Happy Birthday to the Addams Family. Charles Addams first New Yorker cartoon featuring the Addams Family.

1959- Alfred Hitchcock’s North By Northwest went into wide release.

1970- THE HIPPIES ATTACKED DISNEYLAND- A nationwide call for civil disobedience at the famous American-establishment tourist spot was called for August 6th. Called "Yippie Day" Yippies were considered more radical than Hippies. 750 long haired, denim clad young teens filtered into park. Once in they quickly massed, then invaded the Wilderness Fort in Frontierland. There they raised the Vietcong flag, passed out marijuana to tourists and chanted "Stop the War! Free Charlie Manson!" They were finally expelled with great difficulty by park security and the Anaheim police. In the 1980’s Disney was almost invaded by Nazi skinheads, but this time they were ready.

1973- Stevie Wonder was involved in car crash. After being in a coma for 4 days he recovered completely.

1984- Carl Lewis won four gold medals in track & field at the Olympic Games in LA.

1991- Tim Berners Lee of CERN announced the world wide web, aka www. Today the first website of the web went online- http://info.cern.ch/hypertext/WWW/TheProject.html

1999- I see dead people..” The Sixth Sense premiered.

2009- Director John Hughes died of a sudden heart attack at age 59. He had directed hits like Sixteen Candles, The Breakfast Club, Planes Trains and Automobiles and more.

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