Thursday, August 29, 2024

Tom Sito's Animation Almanac for Aug 29, 2024

Birthdays: Charlie Parker, King James II Stuart, John Locke, Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Jean Dominique Ingres, Preston Sturges, Ingrid Bergman, William Friedkin, Dinah Washington, George Montgomery, Slobodan Milosevic, Robin Leach, Michael Jackson, Joel Schumacher, choreographer Mark Morris, Charles Kettering inventor of the automobile ignition, Joyce Clyde Hall the founder of Hallmark greeting cards, Richard Attenborough, Donald O’Connor, Rebecca DeMornay, John McCain, Elliot Gould is 86



1831 - Michael Faraday demonstrated the 1st electric transformer.


1864 - William Huggins published a study of the chemical composition of nebulae.


1885 – The first heavyweight title fight with regulation 3-oz gloves & 3-minute

rounds fought between John L Sullivan & Dominick McCaffrey. Before this bareknuckle fights could go on for 75 rounds and only be stopped when one of the other opponent was too bloody to continue.


1889 - 1st American Intl pro lawn tennis contest -Newport RI.


1893- Whitcomb Judson & Gideon Sundback invented the ‘clasp-locker” aka the zipper. 


1896- Chop Suey invented in New York City.



1908 - NY gives a parade to returning US Olympians from London. Wall Street brokers come up with the idea of throwing shredded stock ticker tape out the windows. The first ticker tape parade.


1909 - World's 1st air race held in Rheims France. Glenn Curtiss (USA) wins.



1925 - After a night on the town, Babe Ruth showed up late for batting practice. So Yankee manager Miller Huggins suspended Ruth & slapped a $5,000 fine on him. Whenever the Yankees were on the road and were safely winning a game, Ruth would take himself out of the lineup early so he could scout out a good bar for the team to go to later.


1929- New York City was having competitions between builders for who could build the tallest office building. The Chrysler Building had recently surpassed the Bank of Manhattan Building. On this day William Ratzengauer and former Presidential candidate Al Smith announced they would build a monster building, much higher than any other. It would be on the site of the old Waldorf Astoria Hotel. They would call it the Empire State Building.


1953- Warner's "Cat Tails for Two" introduced Speedy Gonzales.


1954- San Francisco International Airport (SFO) opened.


1955- Mamie Van Doren married Ray Anthony.


1958 - George Harrison joined the Quarrymen -Lennon-McCartney and Sutcliffe. The later rename themselves the Beatles.


1962- The Kennedy State Department sent poet laureate Robert Frost on a goodwill tour of Soviet Russia.


1964- Walt Disney’s Mary Poppins opened in wide release.



1967- Final Episode of the television series "The Fugitive". Dr. Richard Kimble catches the one-armed-man and clears his name. 78 million people watched this episode.



1974- THE RUMBLE IN THE JUNGLE- Prizefighter Mohammed Ali won back his heavyweight crown from George Foreman in a wild showbiz event set up in Kinshasa, Zaire. Ali joked "Tonight, they'll be a thousand guys named Mohammed out there rooting for me, and another thousand guys named Ali rooting for me, but there won't be anybody else out there named George Foreman!" Foreman left boxing, became a minister, then returned in his 40’s to win the heavyweight crown and a fortune when most athletes are retired.


1976 - Anissa Jones, the child actress who played Buffy on the television show Family Affair), died of a drug overdose at age 18.



1989- Walt Disney Company announced their purchase of Jim Henson’s Muppets.



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