Wednesday, September 18, 2024

tom sito's animation almanac for sept.18, 2024

Birthdays: Roman Emperor Marcus Ulpius Trajan 53AD, Dr. Samuel Johnson, Frankie Avalon, Greta Garbo, Claudette Colbert, Leon Foucault (Foucault's Pendulum), Jack Warden, Canadian PM John Diefenbaker, Eddie “Rochester”Anderson,  Rossano Brazzi, Joe Kubert, Debbie Fields founder of Mrs. Field's Cookies, Jada Pinkett-Smith, James Gandolfini, June Foray

1804- Napoleon inspected Baron Gros’ painting The Plague Victims of Jaffa and liked it. Nappy considered paintings part of state propaganda and commissioned artists to project his image.

1811- A Portuguese 'Projectionist' (experimenter with lenses and Magic Lanterns) offered the Duke of Wellington to burn up Napoleon's army with a series of convex lenses and mirrors. The Iron Duke said thanks, but no thanks...

1851-First issue of the New York Daily Times, later just the New York Times.

1895- In Davenport Iowa, Daniel David Palmer performed the first chiropractic adjustment session. Crack!

1917-Writer Aldous Huxley got a job teaching at Eton. One of his students was Eric Blair, who would write under the name George Orwell.

1927-The Columbia Broadcasting System-CBS, broadcast its first program, an opera called the King’s Henchman.

1932-Frustrated movie actress Peggy Enwhistle jumped off the Hollywood Sign. In case you are curious she jumped off the “H”. She also didn’t hit the ground immediately but hit a cactus patch, dying slowly later in great pain.  Ironically in her mailbox that day was a script and a job offer. The role was of a woman who commits suicide.

1951- The Day the Earth Stood Still, with Michael Rennie premiered. Klaatu, barrata, nicto!

1961- United Nations General Secretary Dag Hammerskjold was killed in a plane crash in Africa. He left behind a book of philosophical musings called Markings that became a best seller. Today the central plaza in front of the United Nations Building is named for him.

60th Anniv 1964- H&B’s Johnny Quest Show premiered.

60th Anniv 1964- The Addams Family TV show premiered. Lurch, Thing and Uncle Fester. You Rang?

1965- I Dream of Genie debuted on television. Network Standards & Practices said Barbara Eden could wear the harem outfit so long as her belly-button didn’t show. At first the reviews were not good. The Variety TV critic said: “The only thing that stands out in this show is Barbara Eden’s cleavage.”

1970- Jimmy Hendrix (27) was found dead of drug and alcohol abuse. He had passed out and choked on his own vomit. Janis Joplin's reaction was"G-ddammit! He beat me to it !" Joplin herself died three weeks later. Hendrix fame was made in about 4 years. 

1986- At Disneyland Anaheim Captain EO opened. An adventure ride starring Michael Jackson, directed by Francis Ford-Coppola and produced by George Lucas.

1987- Disney’s TV show Ducktales premiered.

1994- Tennis star Vitus Gerulaitis was found in his home dead from carbon monoxide poisoning.

2003- In Scotland, paleontologists discover the world’s oldest fossilized genitals. From a dinosaur era insect, an ancestor of the praying mantis. Great Giant Mantis Balls!”

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