Sunday, June 16, 2024

Tom Sito's animation almanac for June 16,2024

Birthdays: Stan Laurel, Willy Boskovsky, Joyce Carol Oates, Nelson Doubleday, Brian Eno, animator Pete Burness, Martha Graham, Erich Segal, Jack Albertson, Helen Traubel, Ron LeFlore, Tupac Shakur, Laurie Metcalf, Sonia Braga is 75, John Cho is 52.

Happy Father's Day- It was organized by the Spokane Washington members of the local YMCA and Spokane Ministerial Assoc. Father’s Day was celebrated for 1st time in 1910


1657- First recorded mention in London of chocolate for sale. Xocolatl was served by the Mayans and Aztecs as early as 900AD. Mayans called it The Food of the Gods. Xocolatl was served to Hernando Cortez by Montezuma in 1517 but it was pretty bitter stuff, served like hot cocoa and with chili peppers. The Spaniards tamed chocolate with sugar and kept the formula a secret for 100 years. The Dutch figured it out and added milk for Milk Chocolate.  Sir John Sloan the British chemist invented a formula as well. The Mayans also gave Europeans the first Vanilla beans.

1884 - On Coney Island Amusement Pier the Switchback Railway, the country’s first roller coaster began operating.

1902- A musical play of L Frank Baum’s fantasy story The Wizard of Oz premiered at Chicago’s Grand Opera House. Like Jules Verne’s Around the World in Eighty Days, the play was a bigger success than the original book. The shows director had heavily rewritten the story for the stage, but its success made Baum philosophical. “ The audience decides what it wants.”

1903 – The Pepsi Cola Company formed.

1904- "Blume's Day" all the actions in James Joyce's "Ulysses" takes place on this one day in Dublin. This day Dubliners dress up as characters from the book and do readings.

1920- International Telephone and Telegraph incorporates- IT&T.

1932- Broadway star Mae West heads west for Hollywood to make movies.

1939- Bandleader Chick Webb died at age 30. Webb was an unlikely pop star, a crooked backed, tuberculate little person who played drums. But his band The Chick Webb Orchestra pioneered the new Jazz form called Swing Music and inspired the Big Band Sound. One of Webb’s last actions before succumbing to his debilitating health problems was to make a star out of 19-year-old street singer named Ella Fitzgerald.

1943- 54 year old actor Charlie Chaplin married his fourth wife, 18 year old Oona O’Neill. She was the daughter of playwright Eugene O’Neill. In Hollywood, Chaplin’s nickname in was “Chickenhawk Charlie” for his fondness for underage girls. Oona did remain his wife until the end of his life in 1971.

1947 –The 1st regular broadcast network news show began-Dumont's "News from Washington”. Other networks did brief headline reports, but this was the first all news program,

1951- Chuck Jones short, “Chow Hound”. Don’t forget the gravy.

1952- The CBS television comedy My Little Margie premiered. It starred Gale Storm and Charlie Farrell. 

1955- Disney’s Lady and the Tramp premiered.

1959- Actor George Reeves, who played the 1950s television Superman, went upstairs after a dinner party and shot himself with a Luger pistol.  

1960- Alfred Hitchcock's thriller "Psycho" premiered. Based on a novel by Robert Bloch. A fan told Bloch that since she’s seen the film, she hasn’t been able to take a shower. Bloch smiled, “ Well, then it’s a good thing I didn’t have her killed on the toilet.” 

1963- Cosmonaut Valentina Tereschkova was the first woman to go into space.

1966-YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT… The Supreme Court handed down the ruling Miranda vs. Arizona, overturning the conviction of an Ernesto Miranda, who was jailed after he was tricked into confessing an assault of a Phoenix woman. This ruling established the famous Miranda Rights, read to every suspect upon arrest. Ernesto Miranda was retired and convicted again and was stabbed in a bar fight in 1972.

1967- The film “The Dirty Dozen” debuted. 

2018- Brad Birds’ The Incredibles 2 opened in theaters.

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