Thursday, October 5, 2023

Tom Sito's animation almanac for Oct. 5, 2023

Birthdays: Wendel Wilkie, President Chester Allen Arthur, Ray Kroc the mastermind of MacDonalds restaurants, Louis Lumiere, Vaslav Havel, Larry Fine of the Three Stooges, Bob Geldorf, Mario Lemieux, Josh Logan, Bill Dana "my name Jose Jimenez", Bill Keane, Clive Barker, Glynnis Johns is 100, Donald Pleasance, Maya Lin, Bernie Mac, Karen Allen is 72, Kate Winslet is 48, Guy Pearce is 56, Jesse Eisenberg is 40

According to Mike Mignola, today is the birthday of Hellboy, born in Hell -1617.

1762- Christoph Gluck premiered his opera Orpheo et Eurydice in Vienna.

1880- John J. Loud patented the first ball-point pen. The modern ballpoint was developed by Laszlo Biro in 1938.

1904- According to comedian and playwright Steve Martin, this is the day Pablo Picasso met Albert Einstein at the Cafe Lapin Agile. There was a cafe in Paris called Lapin Agile that Picasso did like to frequent, but he never actually met Einstein.

1905- Happy Birthday T-Rex! Prof. Henry Osborne published a paper on the new bones found in Montana of a sleek hunter-killer dinosaur. He originally called it Dynamosaurus Imperiosis, but changed it to Tyrannosaurus Rex.

1927- Sam Warner, the Warner Brother most responsible for committing the studio to gambling on a talking picture process, died just as the 'Jazz Singer 'opened and made Warner-Vitaphone a major Hollywood power. He literally worked himself into an early grave. Brother Jack Warner had earlier said "Who the heck wants to hear actors talk?"

1927- A play version of the novel Dracula opened on Broadway. It starred a Hungarian immigrant named Bela Lugosi. It became a huge hit and made him a star. When the Hollywood movie version was made, Lugosi and Everett Sloan (Van Helsing) were the only two from the original play. 

1932- Talking pictures now in vogue, MGM Studios fired famed comic Buster Keaton. 

1933- Warner Bros musical Footlight Parade with James Cagney premiered.

1945- The BATTLE OF BURBANK- Three thousand striking union filmworkers (and a few animators) battled the Burbank police in front of Gate 2 of the Warner Bros. Studio lot. chains, bricks, tear gas, firehoses, burning cars. Jack Warner placed sharpshooters behind those large movie billboards on Barham and Pass. One of the strike leaders arrested was a background painter for Tex Avery cartoons. Herb Sorrel, the union leader, was pulled into a car and beaten up by gangsters, then arrested by police for incitement to riot. 

1961- The film Breakfast at Tiffany’s opened, with Audrey Hepburn as Holly Golightly, the song Moon River.

1961- There’s no need to fear, Underdog is here!” The Underdog Show premiered.

1969- Monty Python's Flying Circus debuted on British television BBC-1.

1969- Former First Lady Jackie Kennedy was seen going into a Manhattan cinema to see the Swedish X-rated film I Am Curious Yellow. Jackie-O beat up the photographer who caught her, but her example spawned a fashion among New York high society going to see porn as a Sexual Liberation statement. They called it Porn-Chic. 

2011- Steve Jobs died at age 56 of a pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor (pNET) that spread to his liver. As he faded away, he looked straight ahead as if he was seeing something and murmured "oh"

2017- The Me-Too/Times Up Movement. Harvey Weinstein of Miramax and later the Weinstein Company was one of the most powerful movie producers in Hollywood. This day the NY Times broke the story of his history of sexually abusive conduct towards women. He was first fired from his company, then ejected from the Motion Picture Academy, and committed suicide in prison.  Soon more women and men began to come forward with their stories of sexual abuse. All across Hollywood, celebrities’ dark secrets were exposed and careers collapsed. Louis CK, Garrison Keillor, Les Moonves, Maestro James Levine, opera star Placido Domingo, Roger Ailes, Bill O’Reilly, and more.

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