Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Tom Sito's animation almanac for Nov. 1, 2022

Birthdays: Marie Antoinette, President Warren Harding, Stephen Crane, Marcel Ophuls, Benevento Cellini, Larry Flynt, Walter Matthau, Fernando Valenzuela, Lyle Lovett, Willie D, Rick Allen of Def Leppard, Jenny McCarthy is 50, Toni Collette is 50

To the ancient Romans this was the Feast of Pomona or Homona, Goddess of the Harvest. Her offerings were bright apples, a staple of the Roman diet. In the Early Christian Church they changed the name to the Feast of All Saints Day. The custom of bobbing for apples at Halloween comes from a pagan ritual.

1512- Michelangelo's Sistine Ceiling was open to the public for the first time.

1604- William Shakespeare's play "Othello the Moor of Venice" first performed. 

1895- Emil and Max Skladowsky set up a Bioscope projector in Berlin's Wintergarden. The Birth of German Cinema.

1920- The first issue of American Cinematographer.

1925- Gabriel Leuville, called Max Linder, was the first international movie star. Before the Great War, audiences flocked to see his suave debonair character. Before Chaplin, Lloyd and Keaton, Max Linder created the style of cinema slapstick comedy. When WWI broke out, he patriotically enlisted in the army. He survived the war, but the experience left him chronically depressed with PTSD. This day in Austria, Max and his 18 year old wife Corrine committed suicide together, leaving a 16 month old daughter. 

1939- Rockefeller Center in New York City opened.

1959- Hockey goalie Jacques LaPlante became the first to wear a face mask during play. Before this many young hockey goalies were missing their front teeth.

1968- To replace the outmoded Hays Commission Production Code, the Motion Picture Ratings System was introduced-"G, M, R, and X"- Later PG, PG-13, R and NC-17".

1978- The movie version of the bestselling book “Watership Down” premiered. Martin Rosen and John Hubley directing. John Hubley died after only completing the first ten minutes of the film.

1988- Jeff Goldblum married Gena Davis. They divorced several years later. They are both over 6 feet tall.

2003- Walt Disney’s feature Brother Bear opened in theaters.


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