Thursday, October 1, 2020

Animation Fun Facts for October 1, 2020


Birthdays: Vladimir Horowitz, Julie Andrews is 85, Walter Matthau, Richard Harris, Phillipe Noiret, James Whitmore, Pres. Jimmy Carter is 96, Everett Sloane, Rod Carew, Stanley Holloway, Tom Bosley, Randy Quaid, Cindy Margolis, Brie Larson, Zack Galifanakis is 51, Brie Larson is 31.



1857- Gustav Flaubert's Madame Bovary premiered in magazine installments. Flaubert was tried for pornography because of it, but acquitted.


1880- John Phillip Sousa was named leader of the Marine Corps Band and began his career as the March King.


1910- A bomb blew up the L.A. Times building, killing 23 people.  The Times had a hostility to unions, and two union organizers the McNamara Brothers were arrested. 

Despite having Clarence Darrow as a lawyer they were convicted, possibly because halfway through the trial the brothers confessed they did it, and Darrow had to beat a charge of jury tampering. As the MacNamaras were hanged they shouted 'Hurrah for Anarchy!'


1945- Looney Tunes director Frank Tashlin left the cartoon business to work full time as a screenwriter at Paramount on live action movies. He wrote for the Marx Brothers and later directed the Dean Martin Jerry Lewis comedies. 


1952- This Is Your Life TV show hosted by Ralph Edwards premiered.


1955- The Honeymooners with Jackie Gleason, Jayne Meadows and Art Carney premiered on TV.


1957- Los Angeles outlaws garbage incineration to try and cut down smog levels. Even though Los Angeles has reduced it's pollution levels by 30% in ten years it still had the worst air in the United States until surpassed by Houston in 1999.


1962- Johnny Carson took over the Tonight Show, after host Jack Paar in a rage walked of the set and resigned. Paar was annoyed at network censors for cutting a comedy sketch that featured the sound of a toilet flushing. At first, people were cool to Carson. Even his own mother in Nebraska wasn’t impressed. But by years end Johnny Carson became the king of late night TV, and ruled it for 32 years. 


1968- George Romero's film "Night of the Living Dead' premieres. Despite one film critic describing it as,” A bunch of sick crap”, it went on to become a cult hit.


1982- Disney's EPCOT opens.


1987- The Whittier Earthquake rocks L.A. 5.9 on the Richter Scale, it killed 8 and caused millions in damage.


1992 -The Cartoon Network started.


2009- The Walt Disney Family Museum opened in San Francisco.



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